Agents search Iowa AAU coach”s cabin in nude videos case

Agents search Iowa AAU coach’s cabin in nude videos case

DELHI, Iowa (AP) Investigators have seized a trove of electronic devices from a northeastern Iowa cabin owned by a prominent youth basketball coach under investigation for allegedly making videos of naked boys.

Greg Stephen, co-director of the Iowa Barnstormers, left the traveling youth organization Thursday after agents searched his Monticello home.

Newly available documents show agents also searched a cabin in a recreation area near Lake Delhi. Investigators say Stephen occasionally spent weekends there and used it for summertime group gatherings with players.

Agents seized smartphones, tablets, flip phones, hard drives, thumb drives, memory cards and digital video cassettes.

Stephen hasn’t been charged and his father says he’s done nothing wrong. The searches came after a source gave police a device from Stephen’s home that contained video clips of underage males disrobing in a hotel bathroom.

Several Barnstormers players have gone on to play Division I college basketball.

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