Iowa coach admits to having nude photos, videos of 400 boys

Iowa coach admits to having nude photos, videos of 400 boys

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) A prominent youth basketball coach in Iowa has admitted to possessing nude photos and videos of 400 boys, including former players and their friends.

Former Iowa Barnstormers Coach Greg Stephen pleaded guilty Thursday to sexually exploiting minors and possessing and transporting child pornography.

He acknowledged in a plea agreement that police discovered files on his hard drive with the names of 400 different minors.

The folders contained videos of the boys undressing and showering that Stephen recorded with secret devices he placed in hotels, his home and lake house.

Stephen also recorded masturbating boys whom he enticed by posing on social media as teenage girls. Some images showed sleeping minors with their pants pulled down, including many in which Stephen recorded himself touching their genitals.

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